The Influence of Kinesio Taping, Abduction Brace and Physio Ball Against Muscle Length of Hip Joint Through Change of Spasticity Levels in Children with Cerebral Palsy


  • Sri Saadiyah Leksonowati Lecturer of Physiotherapy Department, Health Polytechnic of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Siti Nurul Fajriah Lecturer of Physiotherapy Department, Health Polytechnic of Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia


Kinesio Taping, Abduction Brace dan Physio Ball pada CP


Children with spastic cerebral palsy diplegi experience increased tone in several muscles, one of which is the hip joint adductor muscle. As a result, the legs experience stiffness and decrease extensibility of the adductor muscle and instability of the spine. The purpose of this research is to know the intervention to prevent or reduce contractures and maximize the length of the muscles carried out by providing a mechanical stimulus to induce muscle tissue. By applying a technique to the use of a device becomes the most important modality in pediatric rehabilitation. The common modalities used is kinesio taping, abduction brace and physio ball. The method used is a pre-experimental design. Respondents consisted of 30 children with spastic-type cerebral palsy aged 2-18 years (boys 14 people, gir-ls 16 people) and received kinesio taping, abduction brace and physio ball. All children were evaluated using the Ashworth scale and manual goniometer, before and after 6 times interventions. The results showed the level of spasticity at the pretest (median 3) and posttest (median 2) showed a noticeable difference from the decrease in the value of ashworth (p = 0.002). The length of the adductor muscles of both limbs at the pretest (7.358 ± 19.00 and 8.077 ± 18.67) and posttest (10.350 ± 30.13 and 10.620 ± 30.07). The range of motion hip abduction also showed an increase (p = 0,000). Significant negative correlation results were also obtained between the level of spasticity with adductor muscle length (r = 0.866; p = 0,000).

This study shows that the combination of kinesio taping and abduction brace and physio ball can increase the length of the hip adductor muscle through decreasing muscle tone, stability between the spine in spastic-type cerebral palsy children.


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How to Cite

Leksonowati, S. S. ., & Fajriah, S. N. . (2019). The Influence of Kinesio Taping, Abduction Brace and Physio Ball Against Muscle Length of Hip Joint Through Change of Spasticity Levels in Children with Cerebral Palsy. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(4), 158–167. Retrieved from


