Potential Healing Powers with Jute Plant- A Review


  • Zakaria Ahmed Biochemistry and Microbiology Department, Bangladesh Jute research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka–1207, Bangladesh
  • Balaram Ray Department of Chemistry, Hajee Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
  • Begum Rokeya Department of Pharmacology, Bangladesh University of Health Science, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Md. Mahabub Ali Biochemistry and Microbiology Department, Bangladesh Jute research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka–1207, Bangladesh
  • Mst. Aleya Nasreen Biochemistry and Microbiology Department, Bangladesh Jute research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka–1207, Bangladesh


Jute (Corchorus spp), Medicinal plant, Folklore, Phytochemistry, leaves


Jute (Corchorus spp) can be a potential medicinal product for the treatment of many diseases. In traditional medicinal practices, it is used to treat constipation, demulcent, dysentery, worm, carminative anthalmitic, intestinal antiseptic, ascites, pain, piles, tumors, dysuria, febrifuge, stomachic, cystitis etc. Till now more than 80 compounds, including glycosides, triterpenes, ionones, phenolics, phytosterols, organic acids, lignins, alkaloids have been isolated and identified from jute plant. The main phytochemical compounds are cardiac glycosides, corchorin, corchotoxin, helveticoside, corchoroside A and B, olitoriside, erysimoside, straphatidol, glycoside, capsularinsteroids and many other secondary metabolites. Modern studies have revealed several biological activities such as acidic polysaccharide, cardiotonic, anti-obisity, gastroprotective, antidiabetcs, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities. The present review deals to provide comprehensive knowledge on the phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of different plant extracts of jute based on the available scientific literature, provide a potential guide to highlight the available literature on jute plant with respect to ethnobotany, chemical constituents and summary of various pharmacological activities.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, Z. ., Ray, B. ., Rokeya, B. ., Ali, M. M. ., & Nasreen, M. A. . (2019). Potential Healing Powers with Jute Plant- A Review. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(5), 10–23. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/10372


