Architectural Collage, an Applied Design Method for Landscape Urbanism


  • Ania Khodabakhshian MS. Construction Project Management, BS. Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Landscape Urbanism, Architectural Collage, Urban Policy, Urban Design, Multidisciplinary


The article discusses “Architectural Collage” method application as a design technique for Landscape Urbanism. Landscape Urbanism is a contemporary mode of urban design that uses the mutable conditions of landscape as the foundation of urban plan and form. Although it has been the topic for many research works, no practical method is suggested for its implementation. Collage method, due to its philosophical affinity with Landscape Urbanism, can be a proper means to this end. Despite usual design methods, collage emphasizes the role of imagination and cognition in a multidisciplinary inverse process; where the ideal design outcome is depicted at the beginning of the design process. After shaping pectoral compositions with chosen fragments, the three-dimensional mockups based on the collage are made; consequently, the exterior form shapes compliant to the interior spaces. In other words, the function shapes the form by considering numerous layers of disciplines, functions, standards, ecology, and spatial quality. Initially, a comparison is made between previous urban policies, which led to formation of Landscape Urbanism. Afterwards, the similarity of collage philosophy with Landscape Urbanism is discussed. Finally, the article examines the implementation potential of collage through a case study already designed by this method. It is likely that collage can serve the goals of Landscape Urbanism. This method generally targets the students and professionals of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Design; and can function as the complementary element for the use of Landscape Urbanism in contemporary urban projects.


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How to Cite

Khodabakhshian, A. . (2019). Architectural Collage, an Applied Design Method for Landscape Urbanism. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(4), 1–16. Retrieved from


