Motivational Influences of Proficient Students in English: Implications for Teaching and Learning


  • Jennifer A. Balicog Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City 8400, Philippines


English proficiency, motivation, language acquisition


All students are basically learning English. However, despite the fact that learners receive different instruction procedures and strategies, they show varying degrees of success in language learning. This study identified and examined the various motivational influences that students felt led them to proficiency level in English language. It utilized single-case analysis method to describe the various factors that students identified as influential in acquiring English language. The students involved in this study were all grade 10 who belonged to the first batch of K-12 program at a university in the Philippines. The results of the analyses revealed that the quality and the quantity of the students’ past language experiences greatly influenced their drive to learn the language. The feeling of making progress and having the opportunity to execute this achievement further strengthen their desire to learn more about the complexity of the language. Their learning environment also create a huge difference in their attributions to reaching proficiency level. The findings call for the needs to let the second language learners experience success through designing instructional sequence in a stepped fashion from easy tasks to more difficult ones to develop their confidence and increase support from people in the learning environment. Lastly, communication of feedback is essential to students’ motivation to language acquisition.


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How to Cite

A. Balicog, J. . (2021). Motivational Influences of Proficient Students in English: Implications for Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 58(2), 167–181. Retrieved from


