Microbic Biotechnology in the Making of Organic Fertilizer and its Role on Soil and Cocoa Plants


  • Agustinus Mangungsong Payakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Soemarsono Soemarsono Payakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Mamang Wahyudi Payakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Fatardho Zudri Payakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
  • Synthia Ona Guserike Afner Payakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, IndonesiaPayakumbuh State polytechnic Agriculture, Street Raya Negara Km.7 Sarilamak, 26271, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia


Cocoa Plants, compost, tithonia, microorganisms


One of the problems that is often encountered in mineral soils that have a low pH is the content of organic matter and low soil nutrient status. Organic matter is very important because it is able to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Organic wastes cannot be directly utilized by plants and must be composted first by soil microorganisms into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. The use of microorganisms and organic matter in agriculture is done because it can increase the availability of nutrients in the soil and its absorption for plants and form soil structures to become more loose, reduce the weight of clay-textured soil and increase the amount and biological activity of the soil which synergistically can increase seedling plant growth. This research was carried out in Lima Puluh Koto district of West Sumatra Province for 8 months from March to October 2018. The purpose of this study was to obtain the most appropriate dosage tithonia of compost  and microorganisms to increase cocoa plant production. The design used in factorial randomized block design with DMNRT follow-up at a level of 5%, consisting of 2 factors, the first factor was the dose of Tithonia compost and the second factor was the dose of Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma harzianum microorganisms. responses from parameters observed were N, P, and K soil and plants, as well as the average weight of wet cocoa beans per plant. The results showed no interaction between compost tithonia and Pseudomonas fluorecens and Tricoderma harzianum microorganisms on all response parameters in cocoa plants.

But the administration of compost tithonia and Pseudomonas fluorecens and Tricoderma harzianum has an effect on all response parameters in cocoa plants. The administration of Tithonia compost was obtained in the treatment of 10 kg / plant and microorganisms at a dose of 400 ml Pseudomonas fluorecens + 4 kg Tricoderma harzianum.


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How to Cite

Mangungsong, A. ., Soemarsono, S., Wahyudi, M. ., Zudri, F. ., & Guserike Afner, S. O. . (2019). Microbic Biotechnology in the Making of Organic Fertilizer and its Role on Soil and Cocoa Plants. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(2), 15–26. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/10212


