Deep Back Massage Effect on the Reduction of Active Phase 1 Labor Pain at the Curup Public Hospital Indonesia


  • Elly Wahyuni Midwifery Program of Poltekkes Kemenkes (Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry) Bengkulu St.Indra Giri No. 3 Padang Harapan, Bengkulu
  • Reka Lagora Marsofely Midwifery Program of Poltekkes Kemenkes (Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry) Bengkulu St.Indra Giri No. 3 Padang Harapan, Bengkulu
  • Chyntamie Wulandari Midwifery Program of Poltekkes Kemenkes (Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry) Bengkulu St.Indra Giri No. 3 Padang Harapan, Bengkulu


Labor Pain, Deep Back massage.


Labor pain is pain that arises because contraction of muscles of the uterus, hypoxia of the muscle contraction, stretching of the cervix at the time of dilation, and stretching of the lower uterine segment. One way to reduce the non-pharmalogical management of labor pain is Deep back massage.This study aimed to determine the effect of deep back massage at the active phase of the first stage of labor of delivering mothers. The research used Pre Experimental Design with one group pretest-posttest. The samples included 32 respondents with accidental sampling technique. The collection of data was observation paper. analysis of data used univariate and bivariate by t-dependent test. The result showed score of labor pain before and after deep back massage is p value 0,00 which it is smaller than ? ? 0,05. This showed Deep back massage had an influence on labor pain of the active phase. The hospital is expected to give deep back massage in reducing the labor pain to provide the maternal health service comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Wahyuni, E., Marsofely, R. L., & Wulandari, C. (2018). Deep Back Massage Effect on the Reduction of Active Phase 1 Labor Pain at the Curup Public Hospital Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 42(4), 1–7. Retrieved from


