Moderate Asph?xia in Intrauterine Growth Restriction of the Fetus - Cardiotocography and Ultrasound Methods of Diagnosis


  • Elena Pirnareva University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Borislav Marinov University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology


fetus asphyxia at delivery, intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus.


Asphyxia remains an important cause for neonatal morbidity and mortality. The tests in themselves cardiotocography (NST), sonography, Doppler studies which are used for antenatal fetus surveillance are aimed at timely diagnosing the signs of the fetus asphyxia. The objective of the current research is to study which modifications in the cardiotocography (NST), arterial and venosus Doppler correlate most strongly with moderate asphyxia pH< 7.20 and base excess (BE) < - 12 mmol/l, regarding pregnancies which are complicated with intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus. At delivery totally 32 are the cases with moderate fetus asphyxia pH < 7.20 and BE < - 12 mmol/l. Loss in reactivity in the non-stress test shows sensitivity 76.9%, specifity


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How to Cite

Pirnareva, E., & Marinov, B. (2017). Moderate Asph?xia in Intrauterine Growth Restriction of the Fetus - Cardiotocography and Ultrasound Methods of Diagnosis. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 31(3), 224–230. Retrieved from


