Evaluation of the Overall Potential Toxicity of Shallow Marine Sediment from Oran Bay by Means of Bioassays of Acute Toxicity


  • Aouicha Haddou Laboratoire R
  • saliha dermeche Laboratoire R
  • Wardia Hammouche Laboratoire R
  • Toufik Boukhatem Laboratoire R
  • Zitouni Boutiba Laboratoire R


Acute toxicity, Ain Franin, Arthémia salina, bioessays, contact sediment, global contamination, interstitials waters, Oran harbor.


This study investigates the ecotoxicological evaluation of sediment contamination from west Algerian Mediterranean coast (Oran harbour-Ain Franin).The toxicity of sediment and interstitials waters was estimated using bioessays of acute toxicity with brine shrimp


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How to Cite

Haddou, A., dermeche, saliha, Hammouche, W., Boukhatem, T., & Boutiba, Z. (2016). Evaluation of the Overall Potential Toxicity of Shallow Marine Sediment from Oran Bay by Means of Bioassays of Acute Toxicity. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 26(2), 67–79. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/5519


