Effectiveness of Simple Screening Media of Activated Chorcoal and Zeolite to Reduce Waste Water Levels in Laundry Detergent


  • Haderiah Haderiah
  • Sulasmi Sulasmi
  • Erlani Erlani


Media active, zeolite, waste water, laundry detergent


Detergent is a synthetic compound surface active agent (surface active agent) is used as a washing agent that is good for household use, textiles, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, metals, paper, and rubber. Detergent dispersing properties, washing and emulsifiers, detergents with phosphate lower risk of causing irritation to the hands because more is known is alkaline, acid levels are between 10 - 12. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective media activated charcoal and zeolite with a thickness of 40 cm, 50 cm and 60 cm in the lower levels of detergent in the laundry waste water, the type of experimental research with active charcoal filter media and zeolite. The results showed levels of laundry detergent waste water after treatment is done with a simple screening method decreased for activated charcoal filter media 20 cm and 20 cm zeolite is 86.85%, activated charcoal media 20 cm and 30 cm zeolite is 98.20% and media activated charcoal 20 cm and 40 cm zeolite is 99.02%. Conclusion of the study is most effective on activated charcoal thickness of 20 cm and 40 cm zeolite with the rate of decline is 99.02%. Thus the detergent levels produced meet the appropriate standard of South Sulawesi Governor Regulation No. 69 Year 2010 regarding Standard and Criteria for Environmental Damage. It is recommended that a simple filtering with the use of active charcoal and zeolite media can be used as an alternative wastewater treatment facility.


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How to Cite

Haderiah, H., Sulasmi, S., & Erlani, E. (2015). Effectiveness of Simple Screening Media of Activated Chorcoal and Zeolite to Reduce Waste Water Levels in Laundry Detergent. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(3), 180–186. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4676


