Murine Models for Pathologenicity of Human Neurotropic Stealth and Normal Hemophilus Influenzae B [HIB]


  • Ibrahim Shnawa Department of Medical Biotchnology,College of Biotechnology,ALQasim Green University,Babylon , 51001 IRAQ,College of Nursing,University of Hilla,Babylon , 51001,IRAQ
  • Azhar ALThab Department of Biology,College of Science,University of Babylon, 51001, IRAQ
  • Qassim Thewaini Department of Medical Biotchnology,College of Biotechnology,ALQasim Green University,Babylon , 51001 IRAQ


Animal, cell wall defective, dose, infectious, intact, models


Human  neurotropic stealth and normal  intact Hemophilus influenzae b [HIB] were recovered from cases of  subacute meningitis pateints.Tempts were made to reproduce the disease in  murine models .Two infectious live doses  as one and ten  international units of the WHO opacity tube were prepared from both of the stealth and intact isolates.The dose volume was fixed  as 0.1 ml.These infectious doses were applied  to the murine models via intracranial and intravenous routes.The matching of  gross neurogenic signs and symptomes of the infected mice were lasted up to ten days post-infection.At the dose 10 IU  ,both stealth and intact HIB cause sudden death.While,1 IU doses from both stealth and intact HIB  yield neurogenic symptomes from 7 to 10 days then  the animals died. The  10 IU doses from both stealth and intact HIB via intravenous routes were leading to mild neurogenic symptome   ranged from 2 to 24 hrs then vanished.While , 0.1 doses  from both forms of the infectious agents showed symptomless state.The pathogenicity spectrum was as;symptomeless,mild neurogenic symptome ,sheffering,laid down on one body site on the stratum then death and/or sudden death.Reisolation was fruitfull in all infected animals. The  direct impression stained smears of the infected  mice brains showed landmarks of sub-acute meningitis.Intracranial mice model seems to be novel for simulation of human  subacute meningits disease.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim Shnawa, Azhar ALThab, & Qassim Thewaini. (2025). Murine Models for Pathologenicity of Human Neurotropic Stealth and Normal Hemophilus Influenzae B [HIB]. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 76(1), 14–22. Retrieved from


