Gravel in the Switchyard Area of a Main Substation on Sandy Clay Soil
Grounding, Gravel Thickness, Sandy Clay SoilAbstract
The thickness of the gravel laid in the switchyard area of a main substation impacts the touch and step voltage values. The gravel thickness generally varies from 0.08 meters to 0.15 meters, tailored to the soil texture at the substation site. This study aimed to determine the optimal gravel thickness in the switchyard equipment area of a main substation on sandy clay soil. A descriptive quantitative analysis method was used. The results revealed that increasing the gravel thickness from 0.08 meters to 0.17 meters resulted in decreased step and touch voltage values. Gravel thicknesses from 0.08 meters to 0.14 meters maintained safe step voltage levels, while thicknesses from 0.15 meters to 0.17 meters achieved the best outcomes, under both wet and dry conditions of the sandy clay soil.
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