Effect of Infra-Red and Muscle Energy Technique on Pain and Range of Motion on Low Back Pain
Infra-Red, Low Back PainAbstract
Low back pain includes a spectrum of different types of pain (e.g., nociceptive, neuropathic and nosiplastic, or nonspecific) that often overlap. The elements that comprise the lumbar spine (e.g., soft tissues, vertebrae, zygapophyseal and sacroiliac joints, intervertebral discs, and neurovascular structures) are susceptible to different stressors, and each, alone or in combination, can cause Low back pain. Low back pain can be treated by physiotherapy. One of the physiotherapy modalities that can be used to treat the problem of low back hand pain is infra red.Infrared is combined with the Muscle Energy technique to overcome pain and functional disorders due to low back pain. The Muscle Energy Technique is a class of osteopathic soft tissue (initial) manipulation methods that incorporate as well as directed and controlled, the patient begins with isometric and/or isotonic contractions, designed to improve musculoskeletal function and reduce pain.This study aims to determine the effect of infrared and muscle energy technique on pain and range of motion in low back pain. This research is a quasy experiment research with a pretest posttest one group design approach. This research was carried out in June-August 2024 at the Mabbulo Sibatang Clinic, Makassar City, Indonesia.The results of this study show that there is an influence of Infra-red combined with Muscle Energy technique in overcoming pain to increase flexibility in low back pain.
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