How are Teachers and Students' Perceptions of Problems with Practicum-Based Learning Methods and Media to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills


  • Ervi Dwi Susanti Dept. Biology, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Lambang Subagiyo Dept, Physics, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Elsje Theodora Maasawet Dept. Biology, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia


critical thinking, learning media, learning methods, practicum


The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of teachers and students towards the problems of practicum-based learning methods and media to improve the critical thinking skills of students in grade XI. The research was carried out from December 9, 2021 to January 27, 2022 with a sample of all grade XI teachers and ten students in each grade XI at State High School 5, 11, 13, 17 and Wahidiyah Samarinda Senior High School. Qualitative descriptive is used as a research method by interviewing teachers and students. The results of the perception of teachers and students from the results of the interviews are that not all biology materials in class XI carry out practicum activities and the students' low thinking ability. Practicum activities cannot be carried out due to constraints due to the availability of facilities and infrastructure, difficult maintenance of tools and materials, and limited teaching and learning time in the classroom. In addition, the lack of skills of students in using tools and materials that can endanger students and the damage of practicum tools also affects practicum activities. The low ability to think critically is due to the cognitive score of students not always reaching the Minimum Completeness Criteria score and low interest in asking questions in the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to develop practicum-based media (virtual lab) in collaboration with a guided inquiry model to support the learning process and improve students' critical thinking skills.


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How to Cite

Ervi Dwi Susanti, Lambang Subagiyo, & Elsje Theodora Maasawet. (2024). How are Teachers and Students’ Perceptions of Problems with Practicum-Based Learning Methods and Media to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 73(1), 413–424. Retrieved from


