Short Note of The Blue-Tailed Monitor Lizards (Varanus doreanus) in The Wild


  • Budi Prasetyo Biology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Open University, Cabe Raya Street, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang District, South Tangerang City, Banten Province, 15418, Indonesia


Varanus doreanus, Papua, Papua New Guinea, Australia


The high wealth of monitor lizards in Indonesia has not been matched by the availability of accurate population and distribution data. Even though the data is needed by the Indonesian government to measure the balance between trade volume and the sustainability of monitor lizard populations in the wild. The purpose of writing is to obtain various information about data on blue-tailed monitor lizards. It is hoped that the availability of these data through various educational means can help reduce the burden on the government in predicting, recognizing, and mapping the presence of monitor lizards accurately, so that trade traffic and their population can be controlled and remain sustainable. Methodology through literature review. Writing produces detailed and complete data information about the blue-tailed monitor lizard (Varanus doreanus) which includes morphology and character, sex differences in Varanus doreanus, determining body size, habitat and food, predators, reproductive biology, incubation period and temperature in monitor lizard eggs, distribution and the diversity of monitor lizards that live in Indonesia, conservation status, and studies of monitor lizard ethnozoology.


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, B. (2023). Short Note of The Blue-Tailed Monitor Lizards (Varanus doreanus) in The Wild. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 69(1), 160–173. Retrieved from


